ASP.NET MVC Controls
CollectionViewServiceBuilder<T> Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by CollectionViewServiceBuilder<T>.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorCollectionViewServiceBuilder<T> ConstructorThe constructor.  
Public Methods
Public MethodBatchEditSets the batch edit action url.  
Public MethodBindOverloaded. Bind to a collection.  
Public MethodCreateSets the create action url.  
Public MethodDeleteSets the delete action url.  
Public MethodDisableServerReadSets whether to disable server-side sorting, paging and filtering.  
Public MethodFilterSets a method used to determine if an item is suitable for inclusion in the view.  
Public MethodGetErrorSets a callback that determines whether a specific property of an item contains validation errors.  
Public MethodGroupByConfigure C1.Web.Mvc.PropertyGroupDescription.  
Public MethodGroupDescriptionsConfigure group descriptions.  
Public MethodIdSets the id of the CollectionViewService.  
Public MethodInitialItemsCountSets a number value which decides the count of the initial loaded items.  
Public MethodMoveToPageMove to specified page.  
Public MethodNewItemCreatorSets a function that creates new items for the collection.  
Public MethodOnClientCollectionChangedSets the OnClientCollectionChanged property.  
Public MethodOnClientCurrentChangedSets the OnClientCurrentChanged property.  
Public MethodOnClientCurrentChangingSets the OnClientCurrentChanging property.  
Public MethodOnClientErrorSets the OnClientError property.  
Public MethodOnClientPageChangedSets the OnClientPageChanged property.  
Public MethodOnClientPageChangingSets the OnClientPageChanging property.  
Public MethodOnClientQueryCompleteSets the name of JavaScript function which to be called when ajax query requests complete.  
Public MethodOnClientQueryDataSets the name of JavaScript function which to collect the ajax query data.  
Public MethodOnClientSourceCollectionChangedSets the OnClientSourceCollectionChanged property.  
Public MethodOnClientSourceCollectionChangingSets the OnClientSourceCollectionChanging property.  
Public MethodOrderByConfigure C1.Web.Mvc.SortDescription.  
Public MethodOrderByDescendingConfigure C1.Web.Mvc.SortDescription.  
Public MethodPageSizeMake ItemsSource pagable with specified page size. 0 means to disable paging.  
Public MethodPropertyGroupDescriptionsConfigure C1.Web.Mvc.PropertyGroupDescription.  
Public MethodSortDescriptionsConfigure C1.Web.Mvc.SortDescription.  
Public MethodTemplateBindWhen the builder works in template mode, bind the property which name is specified to some item which name is specified.  
Public MethodToHtmlStringGet an Html string. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ComponentBuilder<CollectionViewService<T>,CollectionViewServiceBuilder<T>>)
Public MethodToTemplateTransfers current builder to template mode.  
Public MethodUpdateSets the update action url.  
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodToTemplateRender the html string in template mode.
See Also


CollectionViewServiceBuilder<T> Class
C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent Namespace



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